REGISTER NOW: 2016 Business Valuation Seminar
· Russell T. Glazer, ASA on Valuing Real Estate Holding Companies
· Nathan DiNatale on Purchase Price Allocation
· Courtney S. White, ASA on Craft Brewery Valuation
· Glen Birnbaum, AM on Working Capital And Value
· Mark S. Gottlieb on Advanced Risk Issues In Business Valuation.
Fees. Early Bird fees, which apply when registration forms and payments are submitted by March 18, are $325 for ASA Members, $360 for all others. After March 18, registration is $355 for ASA Members, $390 for all others. The fee includes lunch, and morning and afternoon refreshments.
To pay online with your major credit card or PayPal go to the ASA Philadelphia Members Page, otherwise please make checks payable to ASA Philadelphia Chapter 35 and mail to Executive Secretary Joanne Paciello, 8 Terrace Road, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462. Please note that seating capacity is limited.
Credit. The program qualifies for eight (8) hours of Continuing Education Credit (CEC) for ASA members and for members of other professional organizations which recognize NASBA credit.
Brochure. A seminar brochure, including comprehensive information, biographies of the presenters, a registration form, refund and cancellation policies is available on the Chapter website and for download in PDF format.
Questions. For all other questions, including CEC eligibility for your organization, please contact the seminar organizer, Bob Haas at or (215) 887-6500, or Joanne Paciello at
Labels: American Society of Appraisers, ASA, Bob Haas, Business Valuation Seminar, craft breweries, purchase price allocation, risk issues, Valuing RE Holding Companies, working capital
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